Monday, August 30, 2010

Notes (not in iBooks)

Within iBooks, notes are very easy (sort of like writing in the margin). I have been trying to figure out how to take notes outside of iBooks. For example, what if I just want to write some thoughts down or take notes in a meeting. I downloaded a free app called Sundry Notes. I didn't spend a lot of time playing with it, but I wrote a couple of notes including some likes and dislikes about reading on the iPad and a score sheet for a game of Hearts my family was playing on the beach:

It worked reasonably well, but it will take some getting used to. I know that David Warlick likes to take notes on his iPad with a mapping tool (comparable to Inspiration). I'm not sure I'm ready for serious note-taking yet, but it is nice to have a simple option for simple notes. Plus, I can upload the notes to my computer in PDF format.


  1. David,

    Have you tried the Notes App that is preinstalled?

    Another possibility is the free App called InfiniJournal.


  2. That's funny. I never even noticed the pre-installed Notes app. That probably would have worked just fine for what I wanted.
