Using Safari, I went to the LND library to be sure I could access journal articles and I was unable to. I got to the page for requesting the journal of Ed psych but could not get any further. Any thoughts?
Also, I was delighted to see that an apple wireless keyboard a, which Ihave at home, could be used, but I haven't yet been able to get it to talk to the iPad. I've got some more thoughts to add as soon as I can use the real keyborad.
I see what you mean. When I go to the library home page and search for an e-journal, I get stuck on the page that is supposed to link to the journal. However, the journal is housed in the EBSCO database, so if you do a multidatabase search (under Find Articles and other Resources), you can search the EBSCO database. The articles from that journal are available in PDF and HTML formats.